I didn't expect Amsterdam to be a place where I could find one of the best skin care specialists to treat my skin. Tailor made for me, and not just my symptoms.
Let’s face it, our skin and our complexion is ever changing. As I’m sure we can all attest to, life happens. You might have kids, start a business, climb the corporate ladder, go back to school, or even travel the world. Wherever your path leads you, you might have let self-care take a back seat, and your skin might be paying the price.
To say that my skin has changed since having a child is an understatement...I’m a new person, with new skin, new hair and differences in me, that I’ve never seen or felt before, or necessarily like. Yes I have changed, both on the outside and the inside and I am slowly coming to terms with the changes and learning how to adjust my routines, to compensate. It’s exhausting. What used to work for me (in terms of skin and hair) no longer does and I find myself constantly battling with how I used to do things and how I should be doing them now. So yes I needed a little help, something to get me back to feeling good.
I’ve worked with Biologique Recherche for the past several years and have been so fortunate to test out many of their products and have been to a few of their spas and specialists around the world, like their headquarters in Paris and their spa in Kuala Lumpur and again in Beijing.
So when I felt myself in a slump, with changes to my skin that I didn't recognize - I had discoloration, random pimples, really dark circles, my skin always felt dry and itchy, and I always just looked tired and haggard, I turned to Biologique once again. I had to get back in control of myself, (make some more time for me). So I booked a session at Dany Diop, a skincare expert here in Amsterdam, who also happens to be a Biologique Recherche specialist.
A Tailored Skincare Experience
Dany Diop’s shop is beautiful, with so many amazing products to see and learn about. Curio cabinets lined the space, filled with exotic bottles (skincare products no doubt) from around the world. The centerpiece - a gigantic wooden cabinet was filled with Biologique Recherche was the main draw. How did I not know this place existed before.
Eventually Dany was able to pull me away, and he lead me down to one of his treatment rooms, where I received one of the best facials I have ever had. He started by giving me a “skin instant” something that Biologique Recherche spa visitors will recognize. He basically ran some tests on my skin to see how it was doing and what some of my issues were. This was followed by an intense facial using serums, masques and various other products from Biologique Recherche, all customized to my skin.
Now Dany doesn't just offer a “facial” he really creates something custom for each client...after all everyone is different right? During the facial he asked me about my diet, my lifestyle and other things that could affect my skin. My answers determined what Dany would do and how he would treat me. Dany constantly reiterated how, everyone's skin is different and each “facial” should be totally customizable based on his clients skin.
While the facial included a lot of massaging and rubbing effective products into my skin, it was Dany’s gentle touch and conversation that made the experience that much more fun and memorable. He gave me a lot of tips and was very kind in the way he addressed my issues. At the end my face truly felt lifted and tighter! It was hard to believe that an hour before, my skin was dry, itchy and dull. When I saw my skin for the first time after my facial, I was actually glowing. My skin was beautiful and bright and it felt so good. It was so gratifying to see immediate results after the facial process.
“Dany constantly reiterated how, everyone’s skin is different and each “facial” should be totally customizable based on his clients skin.”
The story behind Dany Diop
Stationed in the high end quarter of Vondelpark, it’s probably no surprise that Dany Diop’s shop boasts regulars, like celebrities (he wouldn't tell me who), locals and people who come to Amsterdam specifically to see him. But, Dany is a firm believer that everyone’s skin is equally important, no matter who you are. His skincare expertise hails from years of study and experience. In fact, according to his website, he is the only Dutch-based epidemiologist trained in skin health and cosmetics by Parisian skin aficionado Joelle Ciocco and Dr. Philippe Allouche of Biologique Recherche.
Rather than just treating the existing symptoms you’re having, such as breakouts, hyperpigmentation or dark circles, Dany starts at the source to really pinpoint the issue. Dany believes that our skin is capable of being trained to keep its youthful glow with a combination of a healthy lifestyle, a balance of pure vitamins and tailored cosmetics. And, of course, the serums and cosmetics he uses are the highest quality products curated from all over the world.
A Handful of Favorite Products from Biologique Recherche
Before I left, Dany recommended a (reasonable) list of products I should use to keep my skin looking clean and beautiful. Here are a few of my absolute favorites! Now I’ll be totally honest most of the products don't smell that great (it’s because there is now added fragrance) but you get used to it :)
Biologique Recherche P50 Lotion
This signature product has a cult following and it’s totally understandable why. It contains unique acid toners and the lotion assists in speeding up the skin’s exfoliation and regeneration processes. This is the first product I ever bought from the brand and it’s now a staple for me (I’ve been using it for about 5 years). In short, regular use of the P50 lotion helps to maintain the skin’s pH, all while purifying and exfoliating the skin. (It’s no wonder this product is a key phase in all of Biologique Recherche skin care regimens). Total game changer.
Biologique Recherche Lait VIP O2
A gentle cleansing milk tailor made for the city slicker, or anyone who needs to flush out the pollution and impurities from their skin each night. Its secret compound helps to enhances the results of the active ingredients, making it more pungent, all while giving your skin a protective barrier from the outside world.
Biologique Recherche Crème Masque Vernix
This luscious cream replenishes, reconditions and strengthens damaged skin. It was created by combining science and beauty to allow your face to emulate a newborn’s baby soft skin.I love to put this on right out of the shower and use it as a night cream when my skin is feeling extra dry.
Biologique Recherche Protection U.V.
I’ve used this miracle cream as my SPF for 4 years now and I can’t say enough great things about it. It protects your face from the sun’s harmful rays, it’s hydrating, has no smell, doesn't make your face white, stays on all day, it’s natural and water-resistant.
I don’t like the term goddess, I feel like it’s a very dramatic term of how we should always look and feel...but after I spent an afternoon with Dany Diop at his Amsterdam shop, I did feel like a goddess. I became this empowered, beautiful woman who could take on the world (or just mom duties and work projects like a champ). Dramatic I know, but hey good skin will do that for you.
If you’re in Amsterdam and want to pamper yourself, visit Dany Diop. Whether you want to address some health-related symptoms or problem areas on your face, seek help from an expert like Dany who is clinically trained and takes the time to address your specific needs. You deserve it.